中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [əˈgraʊnd] 美 [əˈɡraʊnd]

adv. 搁浅地, 地面上

a. stuck in a place where a ship can no longer float
r. with the bottom lodged on the ground


1. Three times in my career I have run aground, through no fault of my own.

在我的职业生涯中 遇到过三次搁浅 当然错不在我

2. So anything heavy in the water would most likely be washed aground.


3. The entire cargo sank when an Indiaman ran aground.


4. We lure him into the keys and run him aground on the coral heads.

我们引他到暗礁群 把他困住

5. She's run aground on the mud flats four miles south of here.

它搁浅在泥滩上 离这里往南四英里

6. A kairyuclass japanese submarine which ran aground here during world war II.

一艘二战期间搁浅在这里 海龙级的日本潜水艇

7. And this scarcity of crew is almost certainly the reason why, within four days, the ship ran aground.

而缺乏人手 也就自然而然地 成为了该船在四天内 搁浅的原因

8. One of the things with coming in on a flood tide is that if you run her aground on the bow you can be turned sideways and, in some cases heeled over, and what have you.

涨潮时期入水的风险之一 便是在首舷方向搁浅 你可能 侧过船身 有时会导致向一侧倾斜 诸如此类的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

