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音标: 英 [ˌhaɪpəˈθæləməs] 美 [ˌhaɪpoˈθæləməs]

n. 丘脑下部
[医] 丘脑下部, 下丘脑

n. a basal part of the diencephalon governing autonomic nervous system


1. It's a tumor in her pituitary gland pushing on the hypothalamus.

她的大脑下垂体中有个肿瘤 在不断压迫下丘脑

2. Damage to his hypothalamus is what changed his eating behaviour.

他的饮食习惯 因下丘脑的破坏而改变

3. It appears they were in the hypothalamus gland deep in the brain.

好像都在下视丘 脑里的深处

4. Look, it starts in the subfrontal and extends practically into the hypothalamus.

看 它从额叶下部开始 一直延伸到下丘脑

5. It travels up to the appetite control centre in the brain, the hypothalamus.

它能够到达大脑中 控制食欲的神经中枢 下丘脑

6. Scientists knew that the hypothalamus was involved in switching the appetite on and off.

科学家知道 下丘脑 与调控食欲有关

7. Look right here on the sagittal section, right below the hypothalamus.

在下丘脑的下面 一定是哪里不对

8. The hypothalamus, the amygdala, and the prefrontal cortex actually grow postpartum.

下丘脑 杏仁核以及前额叶 在产后有所增长

9. I could place this electrode in your hypothalamus and you'd be a sweet, little puppy dog.

我可以把这根电极 你的下丘脑 你会变成一只可爱的小狗

10. We're flooding your hypothalamus with hydrogel, it mimics cerebrospinal fluid almost flawlessly.

我们在把水凝胶注入你的下丘脑 它能非常完美地模拟脑脊髓液



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