中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [pju:]

n. 教堂长椅, 会众, 座位
vt. 为(教堂)安装座位, 把...围在一起

n. long bench with backs; used in church by the congregation


1. I pulled a few strings and reserved you a pew.

我找了点关系 给你们留了位置

2. He is, but that's no guarantee that anybody else in those pews are gonna be.

没错 但这不能保证 别的会众也是这样

3. If you all look under your pews, you'll find shirts of your own to put on.

所有人座位底下 都有一件球衣 可以换上

4. And we sit there in a pew while she explains all the architectural features.

我们坐在长椅上 她给我解释各种建筑结构

5. I help people look up from those pews and dream.


6. It gives me comfort seeing you on this pew every morning.

每天早上看到你坐在长椅上 我很欣慰

7. Now, come on, I don't want to get a crappy pew.

现在就走吧 我可不想排到烂座位

8. We'll take one of the pews, rip it up and make stakes and pikes.

我们把长凳劈开 做成盾和矛

9. Before all the fancy pews and the curtains and all your famous ??damn friends, it was my bar.

在這些高檔椅子和帷幕安置之前 還有你那些明星朋友沒來之前 這是我的酒吧



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

