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音标: 英 ['hɒspɪtl] 美 [ˈhɑspɪtl, -ˌpɪtl]

n. 医院
[医] 医院

n. a health facility where patients receive treatment
n. a medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care


1. If he's supposed to be in the hospital, he'd be in the hospital.

如果他该待在医院 他肯定会待在那儿

2. He's in the hospital, not the regular hospital.

他现在医院 不是普通的医院

3. From hospital to hospital and guarding him.

他哥哥从一个医院转到另一个 并且保护他

4. No, what's not funny is that I have to spend every last minute of my very short life span in a hospital hospital ell, hospital people, hospital food so... I bailed, and... I got a sixpack.

不好玩的是我要把 我有限的生命浪费在医院里 医院的气味 那里的人和食物 所以我才走的 我买了半打啤酒

5. Well, maybe not that hospital, but to a hospital.

或许不是那家医院 但是某家医院

6. A week after he was admitted to the hospital, he checked out of the hospital.

他住院后一周 就办理了出院手续

7. Transplant protocol varies from hospital to hospital.


8. Not another hospital, please. I can't go back to the hospital.

不要去医院 求你 我不想去医院

9. I did use hospital exam rooms. I did use hospital equipment.


10. I'm going to go find a hospital nurse and get you some of that hospital jello.

我要去找 给你拿点那种医院果冻



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

