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音标: 英 [hed] 美 [hɛd]

n. 头, 头脑, 领袖, 脑袋, 最前的部分
vt. 为首, 朝向, 前进, 用头顶
vi. 朝特定方向行进, (作物)结穗
a. 头的, 在顶端的, 主要的
[计] 磁头; 冲头

n. the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains
n. a single domestic animal
n. a person who is in charge
n. the front of a military formation or procession


1. It's a head. It's a head. It's a head.

是个人头 是个人头 是个人头

2. Off with her head and off with her head.

砍掉她的头 砍掉她的头

3. It wasn't at her head, it was near her head.

不是对着她的头 是离她的头比较近

4. It's inside his head. It's inside his head.

它在他脑袋里 它在他脑袋里

5. So, I used to... I had this chicken, used to put her on my head and I'd do these cartwheels, and she'd run from my head to my butt, from my head to my butt over and over like that.

我曾經 我有這麼只雞 我把它放在頭上做側手翻 它從我頭上跑到 上 再從 上跑到頭上這麼循環

6. If you look at a human head, the eyes are quite low on the head, perhaps about halfway down if we measure from the top of the head to the chin.

如果你观察一颗人类的头颅 会发现眼睛位于头部较低的位置 大概在从头顶到下巴的中间位置

7. He even mirrors the decapitation of the insect by forcing them to eat pieces of a human head, only it's not a male human head, it's a female human head.

他甚至通过对其强行喂食一片片的人头肉 来模仿螳螂的头被咬断 只不过不是男性人头 而是女性人头

8. So I'll head up the street, you guys head the other way.

我往前走 你们走另一边

9. Nice, keep your head up, keep your head up.

很好 头抬起来 头抬起来

10. And as the head of my personal detail, you will head this up yourself.

作为我个人安保队的队长 你要亲自带队处理



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

