中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪˈməʊbəˌlaɪzd]

v. 使不动, 使固定( immobilize的过去式和过去分词 )

v hold as reserve or withdraw from circulation; of capital
v to hold fast or prevent from moving
v make defenseless
v convert (assets) into fixed capital
v prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)
v cause to be unable to move


1. And you'll be immobilized for a while with that pelvic fracture.

因为盆骨骨折 你还要固定一段时间

2. He's alive, but looks like he's immobile.

还活着 但目测已失去行动能力

3. We have a plan which should immobilize the droid army.

我们有一个计划 可以瓦解机器人部队

4. I was left gravely damaged and immobilized.

而我受到巨大损伤 无法行动

5. This will immobilize your body, but you'll feel everything.

这会麻痹你的躯体 但却不会麻痹你的知觉

6. Tranq 'em, immobilize them, and put them on the bus.

麻醉他们 让他们无法乱动 再转移到车上

7. And I'm gonna sever your spinal cord to immobilize you.

然后我要切断你的脊柱 让你动不了

8. I needed to have you immobilized for about ten minutes while we work through this.

我需要你在我忙这个的时候 保持十分钟不动

9. I'll just immobilize it with this actual splint, and that should do the trick.

我就用这个小木条把它固定住 这应该有用

10. And while you are immobile, you're prone to both pulmonary complications and pressurerelated injuries.

而行动不便 容易导致肺部并发症 和挤压导致的受损



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

