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音标: 英 [ˈʃɜ:bət] 美 [ˈʃɚbɪt]

n. (英)冰冻果子露, 果汁粉, 果汁饮料, (美)果汁冰糕

n a frozen dessert made primarily of fruit juice and sugar, but also containing milk or egg-white or gelatin


1. It means something, what she's doing, giving out sherbet.

她在分发果子露 这可是有象征意义的

2. Last night, I got up for a scoop of orange sherbet, and she caught my eye.

昨天晚上 我起床想来一份橘子味果子露 结果就被她吸引了

3. It's her house, so she always gets her way, right down to the flavor of sherbet that I'm allowed to enjoy.

这是她的房子 所以她说什么就是什么 包括我得喜欢什么口味的果子露

4. But once we strip it down and paint the whole thing the color of orange sherbet, that's when we can hide it in plain sight.

但一旦我們把包裝撕下來 把車子涂成橘子冰沙的顏色 我們就可以光天化日之下藏在里面

5. All you've got to do is rub it on your skin, the essential oils come out of the plant and onto your skin and you'll ell like lemon sherbet.

你所要做的只是将它擦在皮肤上 香精油从植物中流出 流到你的皮肤上让你闻起来像柠檬果子露

6. And if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go inside and I'm gonna have two scoops of sherbet because my grandmother is away, hopefully failing her driver's test.

不好意思 我现在要进去 我要吃两勺果子露 因为我奶奶不在 希望她没通过驾照考试



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

