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音标: 英 [ˌi:və'lu:ʃn] 美 [ˌɛvəˈluʃən, ˌivə-]

n. 进化, 发展, 进展, (气体)放出, 开方
[医] 进化, 演化, 旋出

n. (biology) the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms


1. Your evolution our evolution is not a desecration of that oath but its very fulfillment.

你的進化 我們的進化 不是背叛那個誓言 而是履行它

2. I teach a class on evolution every semester, and we talk about the engine of evolution, which is variation.

我每学期都教关于进化的课 我们讨论进化的动力 也就是分化

3. It's a race between us improving and making ourselves better, our own evolution, spiritual, psychological evolution.

这是一场自我完善 自我改进的比赛 是我们自己在 精神上和心理上的进化

4. I suspect that organic or biological evolution has about come to its end, and we're now at the beginning of inorganic or mechanical evolution, which will be thousands of times swifter.

根据我的猜想 有机生命体的进化 将要告一段落 无机的机械化进程 即将拉开帷幕 而它的瞬息万变将是人们始料未及的

5. this... this evolution, this journey that you're on.

令人激动的进化 这个旅程

6. I can't blame him for doing what evolution has equipped him to do.

我不能怪他做出 进化让他有能力做出的事

7. The film was all about evolution of fear.


8. I have a theory about human evolution.


9. What you have done is not evolution, it's murder.

你做过的那些不是进化 而是谋杀

10. What you've done is not evolution,it's murder.

你所做的不是什么進化 而是謀殺



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

