中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['kwɔ:təlɪ] 美 [ˈkwɔrtəlɪ]

a. 季度的, 按季度的, 每季的
adv. 按季, 每三个月, 每季一次
n. 季刊

n. a periodical that is published every quarter (or four issues per year)
a. of or relating to or consisting of a quarter
r. in diagonally opposed quarters of an escutcheon
r. in three month intervals


1. This is a quarter sized model, so this is a quarter sized me.

这是个四分之一大小的模型 我手里是四分之一大小的我

2. By the time your team has taken the men's quarters, our teams will have secured the women's quarters here.

当你的队伍拿下男营房时 我们的队伍也控制了这边的女营房

3. Go easy on yourself, and eventually, I promise you, dimes will be dimes, quarters will be quarters again.

别太苛求自己了 最终 我向你保证 10分还是10分 25分还是25分

4. Computers are about a billion times more powerful than they were a quarter of a century ago, and they will become a billion times more powerful than they are today in a quarter of a century.

计算机功能比四分之一世纪之前强大了十亿倍 而下一个二百五十年 计算机将比现在强大十亿倍

5. I'll just conclude by referring everyone to the quarterly status reports, uh, for licensing and parkgoing, which show us as staying in the black through the third quarter.

我用呈报给各位的第三季度报告 做为发言总接 授权和园区客流量方面的 报告显示我们在第三季度 处于盈利状态

6. They're a quarter of what they used to be.


7. You are allowed to have a down quarter.


8. No, no, this is not the quarterly tossout.

不不 这不是「季度性」赶走我

9. No, you're a quarter of the way at most.

不 你顶多只走了四分之一的路

10. When I was a kid, I swallowed a quarter.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

