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[计] 电子邮件系统, 电子报文系统, 特快专递, 扩展内存规范

n a quad with a square body
n a linear unit (1/6 inch) used in printing


1. Bash 'em, slash 'em, bust 'em, and burn 'em.

殴他们 抽他们 捣碎他们 烧死他们

2. We make 'em, we fake 'em, we turn 'em over to you, you take 'em.

我们接受任务 我们造假 我们把假货交给您 您收好

3. You shoot 'em, you eat 'em, you chase 'em round the yard, you seen 'em floating' in the pool, but you ain't never seen 'em dance.

你们猎杀它们 吃它们 在院子里追着它们跑 看它们在池塘里游泳 但你们从没见过它们跳舞

4. I'ma arm 'em, train 'em, cocaine 'em and set 'em loose on those dirty kids.

我让他们备战 训练他们 让他们嗑药 派他们去应战那群小屁孩

5. You gotta schmooze 'em and booze 'em, or you're gonna lose 'em.

拍马屁灌酒才是王道 不然你就输了

6. He poisoned 'em, stacked 'em up like firewood, and burned 'em.

他把它们毒死了 堆在一起 像柴火那样烧掉了

7. Just pick 'em up, toss 'em in the van, bring 'em here.

就把他们都接上 扔车里带过来就行了

8. Our job was to find 'em, secure 'em, not get rid of 'em.

我们的任务是发现并锁定目标 不管处理

9. We pick 'em up, bring 'em here, and let 'em go peaceful.

我们去把狗狗接过来 让它们安详地死去

10. I knew I needed to loupe 'em before I held 'em, but he handed 'em over and split.

收购前我该仔细检查的 但他给我之后就离开了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

