中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [steɪnd] 美 [stend]

a. 沾污的, 褪色的, 着色的, 染色的
[化] 染污

a. marked or dyed or discolored with foreign matter
s. having a coating of stain or varnish


1. You would be seeing stains that are more elongated, with the tail of the stain pointing in that direction of travel.

会出现一些尾部指向 运动方向的拉长的血迹

2. Sometimes people think if you've got a stain on your outside, you know, you have a stain on the inside.

有的人认为如果你的外表肮脏 那你的内心也一定肮脏

3. ring stains and but I think here is when she found out she was pregnant because the wine stains stop and she starts writing down everything she ate.

酒杯的污渍 但我猜这里就是她发现 她怀孕了 因为酒渍消失了 并且她开始记下所有自己吃的东西

4. They did a cell count, differential, protein, glucose, gram stain and culture, but ran out of fluid before they did the india ink stain.

给他做了血细胞 鉴别诊断 蛋白质 葡萄糖 革兰氏染色和细菌培养 但要做墨汁染色法时 体液用完了

5. Meaning that for the horizontal motion of the blood that has been projected as a result of castoff is going to create more angular stains that would look more similar to these more elongated stains here.

意味着对于被抛掷引起的 血迹水平方向的移动 会留下更细的血迹 看起来会更像这些拉长的血迹

6. We didn't hear anything about how an officer might plant a stain like this, what's called a contact stain, which common sense would tell you requires active bleeding.

我们从未听说过 任何警官 能这样栽赃血迹的方式 它被称为接触污染 常识告诉我们这种血迹需要活动性出血

7. The stain on his reputation has not abated.


8. There's staining and pitting on the bones.


9. I would know if there was a stain on it before I brought it in.

如果送洗之前上面就有污渍的话 我一定知道的

10. Let's get this dress off before I stain it.

赶紧把裙子脱下来 别让我弄脏了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

