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音标: 英 [bɪ'sɪdʒd] 美 [bɪ'sɪdʒd]

v. 包围, 围困, 围攻( besiege的过去式和过去分词 )

s. surrounded by hostile forces


1. But if he is under their influence, his soul is besieged by an other.

但如果他被他们控制了 那么他的灵魂也被别的东西占据了

2. That's enough, you're besieging her with questions.

够了 她快被你问崩溃了

3. and besieged by news trucks I apologize for all that.

而且还被新闻车包围 那个很抱歉

4. If we besiege the city with foreigners, we prove her point.

如果我们派外邦军队围攻都城 那就正中她下怀

5. Wherever he goes, he is besieged with requests for pictures and autographs.

不管他去哪 都有人围着他要签名合影

6. I told him about a film in which zombies besiege a shopping mall.


7. There are times when they must feel besieged by animals that want to eat them.

它们必须能够感觉出来 自己已经被当成猎物包围

8. Three months it was besieged, men, women, kiddies, starving, dying.

那里被围了三个月 男人 女人 孩子 都饿得要死

9. The policy change was a tough call, but our schools are besieged with budget shortfalls.

改变政策是艰难的决定 但学校的预算不足

10. I'll bring us the allies we need, maybe even ones that don't try to besiege us.

我会带回盟友的 甚至带回不会围困我们的盟友



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

