中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [nu:n] 美 [nun]

n. 正午, 中午, 全盛期

n. the middle of the day


1. Around noon. she got up around noon.

差不多中午 她差不多那時起的床

2. Now they have noone to love and noone to love them.

他们没有所爱的人 也没人爱他们

3. It's a chromosomal abnormality that noone...noone could do anything about.

这是一种染色体异常疾病 任何人都无能为力

4. There's noone there to screw it up for you and there's noone there to bask in the glory when you have a win.

没人会来对你说三道四 也没有人会来轻而易举的抢走你的功劳

5. noone's talking to us, noone wants a drink.

没人愿意跟我们说 没人想喝一杯

6. noone programmed the tran at, noone selected the new contestants.

没有人为传输器编程 没人挑选新的选手

7. But there's noone else coming cos there's noone else left.

但是没有人会来了 因为无人幸存

8. noone has taken anything, and noone is accused of taking anything.

没谁偷了什么 没谁指责谁偷了什么

9. Just left behind like this and noone understands, noone.

就这样被扔下了 没有人能理解我 没有

10. I want to grieve for the girl that she isn't, and noone's letting me because noone believes me.

我想为我本该有的那个正常的女儿哀悼 可谁都不许我哀悼 因为谁都不信我的话



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

