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音标: 英 [ˈskeptɪk] 美 [ˈskɛptɪk]

n. 怀疑论者

n someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs


1. No, we are sceptical because it's very harsh.

将信将疑 因为肝脏很粗糙

2. There was so much sceptici about the 747.


3. Forgive me for being sceptical about your agency's basic competence.

请原谅我对 你部的能力有所质疑

4. And all you should do is build up a complete and utter sceptici about their abilities.

你们应该对计算机的能力 形成一套完善彻底的怀疑意识

5. I have to admit, a lot of my inner sceptic has bubbled up.

我得承认 我内心不断冒出许多疑问

6. Your conflict, your...di elief, your sceptici is a strong flavour.

你的冲突 你的不信 你的怀疑 都是很强烈的味道

7. III was the most sceptical, I will admit that, of anyone here.

我是當中最不會相信的那個 這點我承認

8. I'm actually really surprised that they worked, because I was a bit kinda sceptical about it to begin with.

它们能起作用 真的出乎我的意料 因为起初我是抱着点怀疑态度的

9. Having convinced my sceptical colleagues once more that my plan was a good one, we set to work.

在又一次说服了我的两位满腹怀疑的同事 我的计划是完美的之后 我们开工了

10. I must admit, I'm a bit of a sceptic for natural remedies, but try anything and if it works, great.

我必须承认 我对草药的效果有点怀疑 不过我不介意尝试一下 有效当然最好



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