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音标: 英 [æntaɪ'terərɪzəm] 美 [æntaɪ'terərɪzəm]

n. 反恐怖主义


1. Antiterrori and espionage, all that kind of shit.


2. Look, you're here because you're some big shot antiterrori guy.

听着 找你来 是因为你是反恐专家

3. They call themselves the antiterror squad, so they see themselves as righteous.

他们叫自己反恐小队 这说明他们认为自己是正义的一方

4. Yeah, but the antiterror squad is just a name.

记得 但反恐小队徒有虚名

5. And permission to use any number of draconian antiterror measures against them.

并且还能得到 可以对他们采取任何严厉反恐措施的许可

6. Firefighters have tried to get into the building, but the antiterrori protocols are impenetrable.

消防员尝试进入大楼 但由于反恐怖协议 根本无法进入

7. Under the new antiterrori law, we can and will hold you until we get the information.

根据新的反恐法 在我们掌握信息前可以拘留你

8. Suvarov's death only underscores the importance of this antiterrori treaty that we just signed.

苏沃洛夫的死正好强调了 我们刚签署的反恐协议 的重要性

9. The greatest antiterror tool in history, sunk by public outrage over a procedural snafu.

历史上最好的反恐工具 被民众对程序混乱的公愤给毁了

10. I can't imagine anything more appropriate than the two of us establishing a comprehensive antiterrori alliance between our nations.

我觉得我们两国能建立 全面的反恐联盟是 再合适不过的了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

