中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [fi:d] 美 [fid]

n. 饲料, 一餐, 饲养
vt. 喂, 饲养, 放牧, 靠...为生
vi. 吃东西, 用餐, 流入
[计] 送纸

n. food for domestic livestock
v. provide as food
v. give food to
v. feed into; supply


1. And she will feed, and you will feed again.

她会进食 你也会再次进食

2. She's a monster that I've made and I have to feed, and she feeds on praise and controversy.

是我造出来 要我喂养的怪物 她攫取着赞美与争议

3. I'll do what I have to to feed them.


4. They feed a chicken to a duck, and then feed that duck to a turkey.

他们把鸡塞到鸭子里 再把鸭子塞到火鸡里

5. Even when you were a little baby, she wouldn't let me feed you because she needed to feed you.

就算在你很小的时候 她都不让我喂你 因为她要喂你

6. I see a life I got to feed and defend until it grows up and feeds me.

我看到了一个需要我喂养和保护的生命 等它长大后会变成我的食物

7. They came here to feed on the time energy, now it's going to feed on them.

它們來過這里吸收時間能量 結果反倒要被時間能量吸食了

8. They come from families too poor to feed them, so they live with the rich, who feed them in exchange for labor.

他们的家庭无力养活他们 所以他们就去富人家 用劳力来换口饭吃

9. Now they're able to more efficiently use their resources to feed their villages, feed their populations.

如今他们能更有效地利用资源 喂养村庄 喂养人民

10. drones must feed, and drones should feed with hive, where drones can be warm.

雄蜂都要进食 而且应该在蜂巢里进食 这样雄蜂才能暖和



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

