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音标: 英 [ˈstɔ:rɪlaɪn] 美 [ˈstɔːrɪlaɪn]

n. 故事情节

n. the plot of a book or play or film


1. Ford's carved out a huge swath of the park for whatever storyline he's cooking up and thrown half of the existing storylines into disarray.

福特开辟了园区一 区域 用于施行他策划的新故事线 使半数现存故事线陷入混乱

2. The storyline is... is tragic, man, but it's beautiful.

故事成了悲剧 但是很精彩

3. And that really added to the storyline, in my eyes.

在我看来 她的表演完全融入了故事情节

4. Oh, he hasn't weighed in on a storyline in years.


5. It was 2001 and storylines were still in fashion.

那是2001年 仍然流行有情节的

6. I mean, the character development is on point and the storylines are riveting.

角色发展很不错 故事线也很吸引人

7. It's created continuity holes in active storylines all over the park.

导致公园里的活动故事线 出现了连续的漏洞

8. Someone altered your storyline... and gave you a new one.

有人改了你的故事线 并写了新的

9. Multiple kidnapping is a common storyline in the torture subgenre.

多人绑架案是 折磨类 故事的典型情节

10. The storyline came off a little le ionic, which is kinda last year.

故事情节有点拉拉味儿 坦白说 挺去年的炒作法



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

