中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['lezbiәn]

a. 女同性恋的
n. 女同性恋者

n. a female homosexual
n. a resident of Lesbos
s. of or relating to or characterized by homosexual relations between woman


1. I just think it does a disservice to le ians when le ians wear visors.

我觉得女同戴遮阳帽的时候 对女同有危害

2. I said that I didn't wanna declare at the press conference that we're all le ians, 'cause we're not all le ians.

我说我不想在媒体发布会上说 我们都是蕾丝 因为我们不都是蕾丝

3. It's amazing; it's about this old redheaded lady who runs this boarding school for le ians, and then I think the le ian school burns down.

可棒了 讲的是 一个红发老太太 经营一家寄宿学校 专门为女同开设 然后学校被烧毁了

4. I was just yelled at for being a man by a le ian in a bar packed with ing le ians in the middle of the biggest le ianfest of the year in the middle of le ianville.

我在一个挤满女同的酒吧里 被一个女同当成男人吼 现在还是全年最大的女同盛会 就在女同小镇

5. Probably would be if she wasn't a le ian.

要是她不是拉拉的话 也许还有机会



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

