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音标: 英 [kən'dɪʃənd] 美 [kən'dɪʃənd]

a. 有条件的, 习惯于...的

a. established by conditioning or learning
s. physically fit


1. I accept all your conditions, and I have no conditions.

我接受你的所有条件 我也没有条件

2. But these niceties are conditional, and the conditions are nonnegotiable.

但这份礼貌是有条件的 而且是不可商量的条件

3. like a sunburn, making it visible under these conditions and these conditions only.

类似于晒斑 所以有且只有在这种条件下 墨水才会显形

4. If so, she was in no condition to be here.

如果这样 那她的身体状况不适合工作

5. No, it's not a no, it's a condition.

不 我不是在拒绝 只是想提个条件

6. My only condition was that he be up here with me when I do this.


7. This animal is in a very bad condition, a critical condition, and we think it's not going to make it.

这头狮子的身体状况很糟糕 情况很严重 我们觉得它凶多吉少

8. Everyone has their own if/then conditional programming, a situation where if certain conditions are met, then a logic bomb detonates.

每个人都有自己的条件程序 一旦满足某个条件 逻辑炸弹就会引爆

9. You name the condition, er, heart rhythm problem, we get the condition, the apps to match up with your phone, and that's how you monitor yourself.

你说出情况 比如心律问题 我们了解情况后将软件适配到你的手机上 以此做到自我监测

10. What we've learned over the years is that the conditioning is only working if this condition stimulus is really something new, a newtasting, a newlooking drink.

我们多年的研究发现 只有在 条件非常新颖的情况下 条件反射才会奏效 味道新颖 样子新颖的饮料



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

