中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [preɪ] 美 [pre]

v. 祈祷, 恳求, 请

v. address a deity, a prophet, a saint or an object of worship; say a prayer


1. I won't pray to any of them, I'll only pray to you.

我不向他们任何人祈祷 我只向你祈祷

2. You don't have to pray. I should pray.

你不需要求神 我应该求神

3. I'll pray for you if you pray for me.

如果你为我祈祷 我也为你祈祷

4. I pray and I pray, because she's lost.

我祈祷又祈祷 因为她迷失了

5. I prayed, and I prayed, and I prayed to her to give my children back to me and take yours instead.

我祈求 我不断地祈求 不断地向她祈求 把我的孩子还给我 让你孩子当替死鬼

6. God, how you prayed and prayed for that doll.


7. pray, pray that he's okay, wherever he is.

祈祷无论他在哪 都会没事

8. I pray all the time. I've been praying for years.

我经常祈祷 祈祷了好几年了

9. And I can tell you, I prayed, I prayed.

我一直在向上帝祈祷 一直在祈祷

10. I'll pray for you, like I pray for my boy.

我会为你祈祷的 就像我为我儿子那样



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

