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音标: 英 [ˈwɔ:kweɪ] 美 [ˈwɔkˌwe]

n. 走道, 人行道

n a path set aside for walking


1. Walking down the walkway, going up the stairs.

现在沿着走道走 上了台阶

2. I thought they were supposed to stay on the walkways.


3. But once they put in the overstreet walkways, it was decommissioned.

但是过街天桥建好之后 这条通道就废弃了

4. I saw one on a skiff up top on a walkway.


5. Guys, there's a door at the end of the walkway over the cooling room.

伙计们 冷却室尽头 还有一扇门

6. I've drawn a line out on the walkway where that 100 feet ends.

我已经在人行道上 画了一条30米线

7. Just make sure you've cleared the driveway and, uh, walkway of vitual snow.

要确保清完所有马路上 和人行道上的虚拟雪

8. There is a winch and a harness on the dam's walkway for repairs, but someone will need to rappel down.

在大坝的走廊上 有修复用的绞车和吊绳 但是得有人吊着绳索下去

9. I walked out to the bridge walkway, and I paced back and forth for 40 minutes, crying.

我下了车 走到大桥的人行道 我来来回回踱步有四十分钟 不停地哭

10. All three cameras covering the entrance were broken, and there's nothing covering the walkway up to his flat.

能拍到入口的三个监控都坏了 走到他公寓的这段路没有监控



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

