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音标: 英 ['leɪbl] 美 [ˈlebəl]

n. 标签, 称号, 商标, 标志
vt. 贴标签于, 标注
[计] 标志; 标注; DOS外部命令:用于建立改变或删除磁盘卷标号

n. a brief description given for purposes of identification
n. trade name of a company that produces musical recordings
n. a radioactive isotope that is used in a compound in order to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction
n. an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object


1. No, no, no, no. It's not about your label.

不不不 这和你的唱片公司无关

2. There's no "in" and "out". I don't do labels.

沒有什么出不出柜 我不給人貼標簽

3. I was seeing some inefficiency, like, the labels weren't always labeled properly.

配送中心效率不够高 比如标签没贴对

4. labeling things around the home, you'll see labels all over the house.

在房子里 贴标签 你会在房子里到处看到标签

5. These actually already have labels, so it's really important when we sticker them that we put it over that label.

这些已经有标签了 所以重要的是 我们贴标签的时候 要盖住原来的标签

6. When you read the labels, the ingredients labels on food products and if you have any knowledge of what the stuff is that's in there, it's shocking.

当你看到标签 食物产品成分表的时候 如果你对那些成分 有一丁点概念 就会被吓到了

7. I am simply I, and I cannot be labeled.

我就是我 无法被贴标签的我

8. It's not that different from the other labels.


9. He's downtown with the label and we're out here.

他在城里做唱片 我們住在郊區

10. First of all, my name is on the label.

首先 我的名字可是印在酒瓶上的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

