中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [,sɛʃʊəlaɪ'zeʃən]

[医]雌雄鉴别(家禽的), 性化(作用)


1. I'm too ugly to be sexually harassed by the agent who was fired for sexual haras ent.

我太丑 连因为性骚扰 被开除的经纪人都不屑骚扰我

2. Oh, the sexual haras ent case. ...sexual haras ent case.

那件性骚扰案件 那件性骚扰案件

3. Everybody agrees that forcing people under the age of consent to try and go one way sexually or another, or indeed to groom them for sexuality, is a completely separate and absolutely correct crime, but not to educate the young in the possibilities of sexuality, especially those growing up with a feeling they might be gay, is to store up terrible trouble.

大家都认同 未成年人 尝试或选择某种性取向 或是将其培养成为某种性取向 是一种完全与上述不同并毋庸置疑的犯罪 但对出现性取向 特别是对那些成长中 感觉自己有同志倾向的年轻人不予引导 则会埋下巨大的隐患

4. And I'm not speaking in a sexual way, although it is also true in a sexual way.

我不是在说性喔 虽然从那方面来说也是事实

5. This is not only a violent sexual assault, it's a violent sexual assault of someone who is a leader of the community.

这不是一次普通的暴力性侵 而是针对该社区领袖的 一次暴力性侵

6. Okay, we apologize if some of you felt sexually harassed by our last sexual haras ent training.

好了 如果有人觉得在上一场性骚扰培训课上 被性骚扰了 我们深表歉意



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

