中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈnɜ:sɪŋ] 美 [ˈnɜ:sɪŋ]

n. 看护, 养育
[医] 护理[法], 喂乳[法]

n. the work of caring for the sick or injured or infirm
n. the profession of a nurse
n. nourishing at the breast


1. No, you need more nurses, but you cut back on the nursing staff, so now you've got doctors doing what nurses should be doing.

错 你需要的是更多的 但你裁减了 的人手 所以现在你叫医生干 的活

2. I guess once a nurse, always a nurse.

我猜一日为 终生为 吧

3. You're not just a nurse you're a registered nurse.

你不再是普通的 了 你荣升为一名注册

4. But if you decide you will nurse, you will nurse.

但是如果你决定了你要哺乳 那就要坚持

5. I used to be a nurse. I don't need a goddamn nurse.

我曾经是个 我不需要

6. You have approved a scrub nurse and a circulating nurse and seven other personnel.

你找到了一位手术助理 一位巡回 和其他七名人员的人选

7. Registered nurses are the best trained and most versatile part of the entire nursing staff.

在所有护理人员中 注册 接受过最好的教育 技能也是最全面的

8. Ellen was my nurse for many years, a very efficient nurse, and a most lovely one, too, I might add.

艾伦给我当 很多年了 是一位非常得力的 而且也是最可爱的那个

9. He said he was walking in a hallway, he bumped into the nurse on a wet floor, he grabbed the nurse's hand as he fell down, and when he got back up he saw he'd got a cut on his wrist.

他说他当时在走廊走着走着 因为地滑撞倒了那位 他摔倒时抓住了 的手 但当他站起身来后 他看到自己手腕上有了割痕

10. Then, in 1860, a nursing school was founded in her name, creating the first properly qualified professional nurses, although finding the right people to study there wasn't always easy.

1860年 一家以她命名的护理学校建成 培养了第一批正规的专业 不过 找到适合在那里学习的人 并非易事



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

