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音标: 英 ['ændʒilәu]

n. 安吉洛(男子名)


1. angelo, I didn't know you had any part of it.

安吉洛 我不知道你有这家公司的股份

2. angelo has a lot of information, and he could use it against us.

安吉洛掌握大量信息 他会用来对付我们

3. angelo's gonna be here any moment, so, please, make this quick.

安吉洛马上会过来 有事快说吧

4. angelo have a seat would not be in his best interests, seeing it wouldn't hold up under scrutiny.

文章 请坐 并不符合自己的最大利益 而且那番言论也站不住脚

5. angelo said bodies been popping up in' everywhere for years.

安杰洛说 多年来到处都是尸体

6. angelo drunkdrove into a lake, saving himself while leaving a poor innocent girl to drown.

安吉洛酒驾把车开进了湖里 自己逃生却丢下车中的女孩淹死了

7. angelo said it belonged to his grandmother, so I was supposed to send it back, but I guess I forgot.

安吉洛说这是他祖母的 我之前就应该把它送回来 但我忘了

8. I'm watching deon introduce "alfred angelo" to a new bride, and I'm loving everything I hear.

看着迪恩跟准新娘介绍阿尔弗雷德·安琪洛 我非常满意

9. angelo, you took $5 million I'm sorry, your family took $5 million from mine.

安吉洛 你拿了五百万 抱歉 是你的家族从我的家族拿走了五百万

10. We don't actually sell merchandise here, but it's a way for us to let people know about "alfred angelo" and get them to sign up an appointment at one of our stores.

我们不在展会上出售婚纱 但这可以让顾客了解 阿尔弗雷德·安琪洛 还能让她们 预约前往我们的门店



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

