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音标: 英 [.әuvә'kɒnfidәns]

n. 自信过强, 自负

n total certainty or greater certainty than circumstances warrant


1. We have become overconfident as a species.

作为一类物种 我们日益自负

2. In our overconfidence, we were unprepared and outnumbered.

由于自负 我们没有做足准备

3. If you have a fault, my darling, it is overconfidence.

非要说你有什么缺点的话 那就是太自负了

4. I applaud your enthusia , but overconfidence is a trap.

有干劲固然是好事 但过于自负往往会令人走入歧途

5. overconfidence, this and a all screw driver.

過度的自信 這箱子以及一支小起子

6. I was bloated and overconfident, and I got ashed.

我洋洋自得过于自负 最后惨败

7. So I think that the the danger here is in our growing overconfidence.

所以我认为 当下的危险在于 我们越来越过度自信

8. Apparently, I like them overconfident and emotionally unavailable.

显然我喜欢的都是自负 情绪不稳定的男人

9. When you feel overconfident, you forget that your enemy has strengths, too.

当你得意忘形时 你就会忘记敌人的力量

10. Got a little too overconfident and got herself killed.

太过自大 把自己害死了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

