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音标: 英 [ɡlɔ:ˈkəumə] 美 [ɡlaʊˈkomə, ɡlɔ-]

n. 绿内障, 青光眼
[医] 青光眼(绿内障)

n. an eye disease that damages the optic nerve and impairs vision (sometimes progressing to blindness)


1. No, I'm kidding, she has a prescription glaucoma.

没 我开玩笑的 她有处方 治疗青光眼

2. I'm a pothead with a touch of glaucoma.

我是个瘾君子 还有点青光眼

3. He did, but my glaucoma really hurts.

他是吩咐了 但是我的眼睛好疼

4. The only other thing I noticed that he was born with congenital glaucoma.

我唯一注意到的就是 他有先天性青光眼

5. Well, I have glaucoma, and I'm gon' turn it into a bong.

我有青光眼 我要把它改造成烟枪

6. I knew 20 brownies a week was a lot to treat glaucoma.


7. Turns out, glaucoma and having hair stuck take the exact same prescription.

事实证明 青光眼和头发被卡住 都可以用同一处方解决

8. It was medical marijuana. I only used it for my glaucoma and your mother's boring stories.

那是藥用大麻 我是用來治療青光眼的 以及抵御你媽媽的無聊故事

9. Cannabis is a reasonable alternative method of treating glaucoma, nausea, seizures.

大麻对于治疗白内障 犯恶心和癫痫 是很合理的代替性方案

10. Crohn's disease, epilepsy, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis so, a long list there.

克罗恩病 癫痫 青光眼 以及多发性硬化 很长的清单



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

