中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [snɪp] 美 [snɪp]

v. 剪, 剪断, 削减, 删节
n. 剪, (剪刀的)一剪, 不足道的人

n. a small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off)
v. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of


1. I'm this close to getting snipped, totally snipped.

我差点就做了输精管切除术 完全切除

2. Cut, cut, snip, snip, a little light sewing.

不过是切切剪剪 再拿线缝上

3. Solved that in a snip. I'm having a blast.

一下子就搞定 我玩的很开心

4. This is for snipping the lies from the mouths of those we question.

这个是用来 让我们审讯的人开口讲出真话的

5. Your speech snipped the ripcord from their parachute.


6. No one. I've snipped all the loose ends.

没有人 我已经切断了所有线索

7. Firstly, snip off some of the fruiting cones.

首先 剪下一些锥形成果

8. You snip, you dress and you give the demerol.

你来剪 你来敷裹 你来注射德美罗

9. And I was born with a all tail, but my parents had it snipped off.

我出生的时候是长着小尾巴的 我爸妈把它剪掉了

10. I'm out, and you are gonna get snipped, just to be safe.

我不干了 保险起见 你还是去结扎了吧



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

