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音标: 英 [rɪˈfræktid]

v. <物>(使)折射( refract的过去式和过去分词 )

v subject to refraction
v determine the refracting power of (a lens)


1. They have a refracted lattice shield design.


2. Now we're going to talk about refraction of light.


3. It's a refractive scatterfield. ‭It's basically an eye test.

这是个屈光散射场 算是个视力测试

4. The refraction of light on water is synonymous with accepted human ideas of beauty.

光在水中的倒影 符合人们对美的普遍看法

5. They should be able to refract your optic beams and keep them contain within their own vector fields.

应该可以让光波折射 从而把它们控制在自己的矢量场中

6. Oh, er, I discovered the laws of refraction, and I use them to work out the height of the atmosphere.

我发现了折射定律 我用这个定律 来计算大气层的高度

7. The beam refracts through each slit and makes a pattern of light and dark stripes on the other side.

光线从每条缝隙中折射进来 形成一道道明暗相间的条纹

8. The light refracted off this crystal will create a pri which will show if there are blood traces anywhere.

这块水晶折射出的光线可以形成 能让血迹显形的光斑

9. The cells near the point of origin of the cancer should show more progression, and hence refract a different color.

癌组织原发部位周围的细胞 恶化程度较高 因此会折射出不同的颜色

10. When hot air, such as the air heated by a fire, mixes with the colder air above it, the light refracts in different directions.

当热空气 比如说火焰加热后的空气 与其上方较冷的空气混合时 光线会向不同的方向产生折射



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