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音标: 英 [prəˈtru:ʒn] 美 [proʊˈtru:ʒn]

n. 突出, 突出部, 露出
[医] 前突, 突出

n. the act of projecting out from something


1. Uh, most of the bony protrusions of the skull have been removed.

颅骨上的大部分突出 都被切除了

2. Now, if there was a protrusion, shall we say there, it could catch your sleeve.

修理时碰到什么突出来的话 比如说这里 就有可能挂住你的袖子

3. The violent protrusion of the cervical vertebrae column into the cranial vault.

由暴力引起的颈椎骨 前突至颅顶

4. and two bony protrusions between the parietal and occipital lobes of the skull.

在顶骨以及头骨的枕骨间 找到两个骨质突起

5. And that protrusion in the front yard may occur from the venting of methane gas.

前院的突起部分 可能是沼气外溢造成的

6. The baby's bowel protrusion seemed less severe on the prenatal imaging.

宝宝的肠突出 在产前影像诊断里看上去没那么严重

7. The protrusions on the proximal phalanges at the metacarpophalangeal joints on his right hand are healed avulsion fractures due to hyperextension.

他右手掌指关节的 近侧指间的突起 有已经愈合的因伸展过度造成的 撕脱骨折

8. The outer walls include bastions, protrusions at regular intervals that allow archers to fire on the flanks of an enemy attack.

城郭上建有堡垒 即一些均匀间隔的突出物 能让弓箭手对进攻中的敌军侧翼进行射击

9. Displaced, modified, ringtype basal skull fracture with lacerations on the base of the brain, protrusion of the cervical vertebrae column into the cranial vault.

错位 矫正 颅底环形骨折 伴有颅底撕裂伤 颈椎骨前突至颅顶



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