中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌɪnfɪnɪˈtesɪml] 美 [ˌɪnfɪnɪˈtɛsəməl]

a. 极小的, 极微的, 无限小的
n. 极小量, 极微量, 无限小

n. (mathematics) a variable that has zero as its limit
s. infinitely or immeasurably small


1. And not a single infinitesimal thing has gone wrong.


2. I told you, the odds of getting off this island are infinitesimal.

我早就说过了 逃离这个孤岛的概率 几乎为零

3. We might be tiny infinitesimal blips in the universe, but we made it here.

我们可能只是宇宙中非常渺小的一点 但我们来到了这里

4. Allow the space where you begin and I end to be both infinite and infinitesimal.

带你去到无穷宽广的境界 带你领略无限微小的寰宇

5. these lectures will explore a vast yet infinitesimal universe.


6. The singularity at the heart of a black hole is both astronomically heavy and infinitesimally all.

黑洞中心的奇点 质量巨大 体积微小

7. The millions of infinitesimal particles and microbes that occupy the surface of the human skin are all but absent.

那些上百万应该覆盖在人类皮肤表面的 极小的粒子和微生物在这里却都不存在

8. Take away their food, make any kind of reduction, no matter how infinitesimal, well, that's it.

拿走它们的食物 减少分量 哪怕是极少量 就这样

9. It was really reassuring to suddenly understand that what happened to us was an infinitesimal ripple in the ocean of time.

最让我们安心的 莫过于了解到 我们遭遇的艰难困苦 只是时间洪流中的一小滴水而已

10. And the truth is the chances that anything really bad is going to hit us anytime soon is infinitesimal.

事实上 我们目前 被撞击的可能性非常小



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

