中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ri:ˈtelɪŋ]

v. (以不同的方式或语言)复述, 重述( retell的现在分词 )

v render verbally, "recite a poem"
v make into fiction
v to say, state, or perform again


1. We've been retelling each other the same stories for 20 years.

我们彼此互讲一成不变的故事 也讲了二十年

2. When I retell the story, it'll be because she sings so beautifully.

当我复述这件事情的时候 会变成是因为她唱歌很动听

3. To keep yourself warm, you retell your story of escape.

为了让自己铭记 你会复述自己逃离的故事

4. I think that's a way for us to retell our story.


5. You know how reported speech gets twisted in the retelling.


6. I think that's the way for us to rebuild and retell our story together.

我觉得我们可以重新开始 重新书写我们的传说

7. Sounds a lifeless story to me, and one that requires commitments before the fact to ensure its retelling.

在我看来 这故事毫无生气 需要利益驱动 而不是故事本身 才能确保它会被复述

8. This modern retelling set out to keep the spirit of the original stories, yet completely transformed them for the digital age.

这次改编 在保持原汁原味的前提下 把故事完整地搬到了数字时代

9. As wrongful conviction advocates, we know that the best place to start retelling that story is with the original trial lawyer.

作为打击冤假错案的倡导者 我们知道最适合重新讲述这个故事的地方 与原审律师一起

10. I like the idea that a story like this might cross the world and somehow find its way back centuries later, changed by constant retellings, but familiar.

我喜欢这种漂洋过海的故事 在几个世纪后回到了原点 虽然经过了无数人的复述 但还是很熟悉



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

