中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['tʃəʊkˌhəʊld] 美 ['tʃoʊkˌhoʊld]

n. 掐脖子; 压制

n. a restraining hold; someone loops the arm around the neck of another person in a tight grip, usually from behind


1. The friend was trying to revive him from a chokehold gone horribly wrong.

他朋友不慎导致他窒息 正在试图让他苏醒过来

2. But this time, you put her in a chokehold, and you take a scarf, just like this one.

但这一次 你反身勒住了她的脖子 然后你用一条跟你现在戴的一样的围巾

3. Well, you'd have put a hell of a chokehold on a woman who's highlevel agency and has the president's ear.

一个领导着高级别机构且是总统耳目的女人 你让她毫无挣扎的余地

4. When he was in the academy, he taught me how to put a suspect in a chokehold in case any of the boys got too fresh.

他在警校时 他教我怎么擒住一个嫌犯的脖子 以防有男孩对我过火

5. Except I can't walk down the street wearing a hoodie without worrying that a cop's gonna put me in a chokehold.

除了我只要穿着帽衫在大街上走 就免不了要担心会被警察锁喉



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

