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音标: 英 [ʌnˈkɒnʃənəbl] 美 [ʌnˈkɑnʃənəbəl]

a. 不受良心支配的, 不合理的, 过度的

s lacking a conscience
s greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation


1. What they've done to you is unconscionable.


2. It's unconscionable that they didn't make you principal.


3. What happened to you as a child was unconscionable.

你小时候经历那些事情 实在是天理难容

4. It is unconscionable to me that, at this stage in our careers, we're reduced to petty larceny.

我们的事业都发展到这一步了 居然还要沦落去小偷小摸 我真是接受不了

5. unconscionable, an attack on you penguins is an attack on the entire universe.

太过分了 攻击你们企鹅 就是攻击整个宇宙

6. To belittle my childcare issues in your courtroom is unconscionable and totally out of line.

在您的法庭上 贬低我的育儿问题是不合理 而且是非常过分的行为

7. You should know, your own presence here, a retired civilian gone rogue, it's unconscionable.

你要知道 你的出现 一个退休平民擅自行动 这是不合理的

8. I just find it unconscionable that anyone could inflict this kind of suffering on you.

我只是很难理解 谁会给你带来这种痛苦

9. What he did to those children's bodies, disfiguring them, making them look inhuman, was unconscionable.

他对儿童尸体做的事 通过毁容 让他们看起来非人类 简直泯灭人性

10. I need examples where a prenup was deemed invalid due to... unconscionable terms.

我需要你找出 不合理条款导致 婚前协议失效的案例



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

