中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [,ri:i^'nait]

v. 再点火, 再点燃, 重新激起

v. ignite anew, as of something burning


1. That could have been the trigger that reignited his obsession.

也许就是这个 触发了他的执念

2. ...would reignite your desire to be a team again.


3. If a spark should reignite, who am I to blow out the flame.

如果爱火可以重燃 我又怎能吹灭它呢

4. And all I accomplish is reigniting the vigilante's killing spree.

结果却是让他 重新开始了杀戮

5. She and my dad crossed paths and reignited their spark.

她和我爸重逢了 重燃了他们间的火花

6. You hit the room with air now, and the server could reignite.

你现在供氧 服务器就会复燃

7. If they miss the reignition hoop, their engines won't come back on.

如果他们错过了重新点火的圆环 他们的引擎就不会再启动了

8. We will simultaneously reflect these flames into the adjoining alcoves, reigniting them.

我们同时把这些火焰反射进 毗连的壁龛里 重新点燃它们

9. First, you try to reignite your old flame with the man's wife.


10. If we blast a song between 30 and 60 hertz, it can separate the oxygen from the fire and keep it from reigniting.

如果能放一首30到60赫兹的歌 就能把氧气和火焰分离 防止其重新燃烧



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

