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音标: 英 [ˈfɒksglʌv] 美 [ˈfɑksˌɡlʌv]

n. 毛地黄
[化] 洋地黄; 毛地黄

n. any of several plants of the genus Digitalis


1. Well, that makes sense because here's the thing about foxglove.

说得通 因为毛地黄是这样的

2. Yes, it's derived from the leaves and seeds of the foxglove plant.

對 這是從毛地黃植物的 葉子和種子中提取出來的

3. If that failed, they'd be forced to drink it, and foxglove can be lethal.

如果这招失败了 他们就会被 喝下溶液 而毛地黄可以致命

4. Grady made specific internet searches on foxglove poisoning.


5. Children might be bathed in a solution of foxglove to purge a changeling.

小孩子可能会被泡在毛地黄的溶液中 以净化化身妖精

6. Because foxglove has the same root chemical derivation as digitalis, the heart medication he was already taking.

因为洋地黄和毛地黄 有着相同的化学衍生物 而毛地黄正是他服用的心脏病药物

7. So the poison turns out to be foxglove, and it was ingested between six and 24 hours before time of death.

化验结果是洋地黄中毒 是在死亡前 6到24小时之间摄入的

8. My research says that if he ingested foxglove, he'd have a heart attack, but his digoxin levels would barely change.

我的研究显示 如果他服用洋地黄 会引发心脏病 但他体内的地高辛含量几乎不会改变

9. Or using foxglove, also known as digitalis, a powerful heart medicine still in use today.

或是用毛地黄 也称洋地黄 这是非常强力的治心脏的药 至今仍在使用



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