中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈsʌdn] 美 [ˈsʌdn]

n. 突然, 忽然
a. 突然的, 意外的, 快速的

a. happening without warning or in a short space of time


1. It wasn't there, and then all of a sudden, it was there.

本来没有 突然间就有了

2. And then... all of a sudden, he had all of that.

然后 突然之间 他有了这一切

3. These past few years, it's like all of a sudden, they suddenly know all about us.

过去这几年啊 就好像突然之间外星人都知道我们了

4. Janice is you, if suddenly, you realized that the identity you had spent a lifetime to build was suddenly ripped away.

珍妮丝就是你们 如果突然之间 你意识到 你花一辈子建立的身份 突然被夺走了

5. It involves speaking in tongues, sudden personality changes, sudden violence, even superhuman strength.

症状为说话含糊不清 性格突变 突发暴力 甚至还会变得非常强壮

6. It refers to a situation that has suddenly been reversed so that those who are in a powerless position suddenly find themselves in a powerful one, and vice versa.

它的意思是情况突然逆转 之前无助的人 突然处于有利地位 反过来也成立

7. If thou canst accuse, do it without invention, suddenly, as I with sudden and extemporal speech purpose to answer what thou canst object.

如果你想控告我 就别打稿子 直接说 我也会不打稿子 直接回答你反对我的话

8. Yes, their risk of a sudden event happening and their risk of a sudden death is significant, but it doesn't mean it's going to happen at any point around the corner.

的确 他们发生突发状况 和猝死的风险都较高 但那并不意味着 这随时可能会发生

9. people say that it can't be done, and then when it is, when you accomplish the thing that nobody said that you could, suddenly, those people that stood there, blocking your path every step of the way, suddenly, they say that they didn't.

人们说这不可能 而当你完成了人们所说的 不可能完成的事情时 突然间 那些站在面前 挡住你每步去路的人 突然间 他们说自己并没有

10. All of a sudden, so I'm booking down the street, mad fast, I'm running full speed, people coming out, pushing people out of the way, all of a sudden, this woman with a stroller just comes out of nowhere, just comes straight out of nowhere, man.

突然他出现了 我在街上飞奔 非常迅速 我用全速奔跑 有人挡在我面前 我就推开他们 忽然 一个推着 婴儿车的女士出现在我面前 就这样硬生生地出现了 伙计们



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

