中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [trænz'dju:sə(r)] 美 [trænz'du:sər]

n. 换能器, 变换器
[计] 传感器; 翻译机; 变换器; 换能器

n. an electrical device that converts one form of energy into another


1. Move the transducer down to visualize the adnexa.


2. Quill, I need a transducer coil switch from that food dispenser.

奎尔 我需要那个食物分发机器上 拆下来的传感器线圈开关

3. Just put a catheter on the bag, then add a transducer with a threeway tap.

只要把导尿管插在袋子上 然后在三通路栓上接个传感器

4. Okay, so, the only way the elevator would have accelerated that quickly is if someone had interfered with the velocity transducer, which is in there.

好 所以唯一让电梯 加速到那种程度的方法是 有人干扰了速度传感器 传感器在那里

5. Look, anyone familiar with sailboats knows the easiest way to sink one is by pulling the transducer.

任何熟悉帆船的人都知道 取下转换器是最简单的沉船方式

6. The fiberglass installation around the transducer was all over the access tunnel, so whoever went in there would have fiberglass in their nasal passages.

传感器附近的纤维玻璃装置 覆盖了全部的通路 所以任何去过那里的人 在鼻腔里会有玻璃纤维

7. Explosions acting as transducers, drawing alien life forms through wormholes in spaceships using electrogravitic propulsion.

爆炸发出了一种信号 吸引外星生物乘坐反重力飞船 穿过虫洞来到地球

8. It will have a pressure transducer placed in the center of the chest front and back to measure the blast pressure coming off the explosion.

这个压力传感器 会被放在胸部 前后来测量 爆炸产生的压力



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

