中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [rɪ'vaɪl] 美 [rɪˈvaɪl]

v. 辱骂, 斥责

v spread negative information about


1. To revile them would be to care about them, which I do not.

憎恶他们就代表在乎他们 而我并不在乎

2. George, who is good to me and whom I revile.

喬治待我很好 我卻辱罵了他

3. He's he's the most reviled man in the history of this town.

他是这个镇上有史以来 被骂得最狠的人

4. He's the most reviled man in the history of this town.


5. We yearn for the same day, when we are not reviled but lauded as heroes.

我们渴望着同一天 那一天我们不再被辱骂 而是被称颂为英雄

6. Not to mention having the same face as the most reviled man in the universe.

更不用说长的还跟 全宇宙最臭名昭著的人一样

7. You shall suffer the indignity of serving me, the wayward son you so revile.

你们将忍着屈辱侍奉我 这个你们鄙视的任性孩子

8. You've judged me for being that, criticized me, reviled me but now, when it's on your behalf you're willing to call upon it.

你曾为此批判过我 批评我 斥责我 而现在 当代表你的利益时 你就愿意支持我了

9. Not only did your people wage war on mine, considered yourself superior in every way, mocked us, reviled us, di issed us as the little people, but as soon as we were gone, you reduced us further to silly stories.

你的人民不仅对我的人民宣战 在各个方面都觉得自己更高等 嘲讽我们 辱骂我们 把我们当下等生物不屑一顾 而且等我们一离开 你们就把我们说成荒谬的故事

10. Tormented by acne and shyness, by stretch marks and discomfort, by baldness and insecurity, by anorexia and bulimia, by obesity and diversity, reviled for the color of our skin, our sexual orientation, our empty wallets, our physical impairments, our arguments with our elders, our inconsolable weeping, the abyss of our insignificance, the caverns of our loss, the emptiness inside us, the recurring incurable thought of ending it all, nowhere to rest, nowhere to stand, nothing to belong to.

我们被痤疮和羞赧 生长纹和不适 脱发和不安感 厌食和暴食 肥胖和不同所折磨 我们被批判 只因我们的肤色 性取向 空空的钱包 身体的缺陷 与长辈的争执 无法被安慰的流泪 我们如沧海一粟 但失落感却有如巨型洞穴 我们心中的空虚 反复来袭的想结束一切的念头 有如无根浮萍 无处安身 无处立足



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

