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音标: 英 [snəʊ] 美 [sno]

n. 雪, 积雪, 下雪, 雪花形干扰
vi. 下雪, 似雪般落下
vt. 使雪白, 用雪覆盖, 使像雪般落下

n. precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals
n. a layer of snowflakes (white crystals of frozen water) covering the ground
n. English writer of novels about moral dilemmas in academe (1905-1980)
v. fall as snow


1. But it's gonna snow. I don't do well with snow.

但快下雪了 我跟雪處不來

2. I got so wrapped up in the glorious snow and being king of the snow.

我被笼罩在灿烂的雪中 沉迷当雪王

3. I love the snow. I hate the snow. I hate the cold.

我爱下雪 我讨厌下雪 讨厌寒冷

4. 车辆驾驶员 which, firstly, fills in any holes that are in the snow pack and also it then knocks the air out of the snow and when you take the air out of the snow, you make it a lot firmer so it can carry the weight of the modules and the machines that we're going to pull.

强尼 首先 填平雪堆中的坑洞 并排出积雪中的空气 排出积雪中的空气后 积雪就变得紧实多了 这样就能承受住组件 还有我们将要拖走的机器重量了

5. Well, everyone likes a snow day, even when it doesn't snow.

每个人都喜欢下雪天 就算没下雪也一样

6. Sometimes I wish it would snow and just never stop snowing.

有时候我希望可以下雪 不停地下雪

7. If I go to bed at night and there's no snow on the ground and in the morning I'm shoveling, it snowed.

如果我晚上睡觉前 地面上没有雪 早上起来我在铲雪 就代表下过雪了

8. When it snows, it gets really quiet because snow actually absorbs sound.

下雪的时候 一切都变得安静起来 因为雪真的可以吸收声音

9. snow brings the snow leopards down to lower altitude as they follow their prey.

雪会把雪豹带到更低的海拔 因为他们要追踪猎物

10. They can size up a snow crystal and tell if it indicates weakness in the snow pack.

他们能估算出冰晶的大小 并判断积雪是否足够坚固



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

