中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈrʌfnek] 美 [ˈrʌfˌnɛk]

n. 粗暴的人, 横蛮的人, 无赖

n a cruel and brutal fellow


1. You know how it is with those roughnecks.

你知道这些 都是什么样的

2. She thinks we're a band of alcoholic roughnecks and you're a snuggly, little angel.

她觉得我们是一帮酒鬼 而你是可爱的小天使

3. We were undercover, on this offshore oil rig with this ragtag group of roughnecks.

我们当时在卧底 在一个离岸油井上 跟一群衣衫褴褛的大老粗一起工作

4. Letting a trashtalking roughneck get in your head makes you the fool, not him.

被一个满嘴胡话的无赖挑衅 看起来像傻子的是你 不是他

5. Especially if he leapfrogs all the way up from roughneck to assistant driller in one day.

尤其是他一下子 从钻工升到了副司钻

6. Next thing I know, he gets made all the way up from roughneck to assistant driller.

然后我就知道 他从钻工直接被提拔成副司钻了

7. Several members of the senior staff will be staying on but all level one, two, and three derrickmen, motormen, and roughnecks will be replaced effective immediately.

部分高层员工会继续留在岗位上 但是所有一二 井架工 驾驶员 油井工人都将被取代 立即生效



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

