中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['bɒndɪd] 美 ['bɒndɪd]

a. 以债券作保证的, 有担保的, 存入保税仓库的
[机] 化合的, 结合的

v stick to firmly
v create social or emotional ties
v issue bonds on
v bring together in a common cause or emotion


1. We bonded, and we are still bonding.

我们相处融洽 现在也还在融洽相处

2. We bonded, like the most you can bond.


3. Let the bonding of these hands be a symbol for the bond they have to each other.

让这些牵着手的团结 成为一种象征 象征他们彼此间的结合

4. Let the bonding of these hands be a symbol of the bond that you have to each other.

让这紧握的双手 成为你们彼此结合的标志

5. So if I can't have you as a brother bonded by love, then we'll just have to be bonded by hatred.

所以如果我不能让你成为我以爱相连的兄弟 那我们就要因恨相连了

6. And it's because of the central bond in hydrofluoric acid, that bond between hydrogen and fluorine.

原因就在于氢氟酸中将氢和氟 连接起来的化学键

7. But don't blame me for your freedom, which you don't have, or for not bonding with your infants, who are arguably incapable of bonding.

但请别把你的不自由 怪到我的头上 也别怪我不跟你的宝宝相处 他们根本就不具备与人相处的能力

8. ...without using state funds, which negates your requirement to place the bond on the ballot, because we don't need the bond.

不需要州政府的资金 所以你选举需要公债的理由 也就不成立了 因为我们不需要公债

9. You also know that bail bonds companies still get bond back if a defendant turns up dead.

你还知道保释债券公司 仍能拿到钱 即便被告死了

10. I didn't know if I could ever bond that way again, and and it's always been a strength of mine as a teacher, the fact that I do bond tightly to kids and that I do genuinely love them.

我不知道我还能不能和学生建立那种信任 从前这一直都是我的强项 我能和孩子们建立很好的关系 我真的很爱他们



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

