中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [θʌd] 美 [θʌd]

n. 砰的一声, 重击
vi. 砰的一声掉下, 嘭的一声

v. make a dull sound
v. strike with a dull sound


1. We were standing out on the main street, I suppose, in the camp, and I was really shocked to hear the thud, thud of artillery fire.

我们在外面站在难民营里的主街上 当我听到轰隆的炮火声 我感到非常震惊

2. When I drove under, I heard the thud.

我开过桥下的时候 听到砰的一声

3. If we were human, it would sound like a thud.

如果我们是人类 听起来只是闷响

4. All I heard was a thud, and a crack when his phone hit the deck.

我就听到砰的一声 然后是他手机摔掉的声音

5. I think that thud we just heard is a dart hitting a bull'seye.


6. And then I heard this, like, big thud right outside the front door.

然后我听到 屋外门前有重击声

7. In the water, it sounded like a dull thud, but the spear passed clear through.

鱼叉入水后听起来像一声闷响 但鱼叉刺穿了鱼的身体

8. Then he was on top of me and the floor polisher next door was thudding out every sound.

然后他压在我身上 隔壁的地板打蜡器 掩盖住了所有声音

9. Okay, first, find the middle of the collarbone, and tap down from the top until you hear a dull thud.

首先 找的锁骨的中间部位 从上往下敲直到你听到闷响



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

