中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['slaɪdɪŋ] 美 ['slaɪdɪŋ]

a. 滑行的, 变化的
[机] 滑动

s. being a smooth continuous motion


1. We watched a house slide in, we watched eight or nine cars slide in, we watched the swimming pool slide in.

我们看到一所房子滑落 看到八九辆车滑落 看到游泳池滑落

2. I wanted to let it slide, I wanted to let it slide.

我本来不想插嘴 真不想

3. You just slide through life, don't you, and everything just, just slides off you.

你的一生都特别平顺吧 生活中的所有麻烦 都被你躲开了

4. They do it in the playground, too, laid down over one end of the slide where the kiddies slide along on their bottoms, then just chuck the evidence down anywhere.

他们还会在操场上胡搞 躺在滑梯底部 那可是孩子们 滑下来的地方 他们还把罪证留得到处都是

5. And slide these on for me, if you don't mind.

然后把这个带上 如果你没意见的话

6. Then, you slide it under the microscope.

然后 把它滑到显微镜下

7. It wasn't the hustle. It was the electric slide.

我跳的不是哈娑舞 是电子滑步舞

8. I can't let that slide, and furthermore, I shouldn't have to.

我可不想勾销 而且也不能勾销

9. We'll lift him up, slide him right in.

我们把他抬起来 然后推进去

10. If it's no, slide it the other way, to the left.

如果是否定 那就滑到另一边 左边



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

