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音标: 英 [ˈθɪklɪ] 美 [ˈθɪklɪ]

adv. 厚地;浓地

r. spoken with poor articulation as if with a thick tongue
r. with a thick consistency
r. with thickness; in a thick manner


1. When it deploys out, it's about the size of a tennis court, but the thickness of it is only about the thickness of a human hair, which is about one to two thousandths of an inch.

当它展开时 大小约为 一个网球场 但其厚度 厚度和人头发丝差不多 大概只有二十五到五十微米

2. And the bulge in this guy's pocket is approximately 1.75 inches thick, which makes sense, since the international standard for currency paper is .0043 inches thick.

这个人口袋凸起的厚度 大概是4.5厘米 这很合理 因为货币的厚度国际标准是0.01厘米

3. Just imagine glacial ice, a huge thick ice sheet over a mile thick, exerting tremendous pressure on the surface and sculpting the surface into the landscape that we see today.

想象一下 一块厚达1.6千米的冰层 会给地表造成多么巨大的压力 进而将其雕琢成现在的模样

4. Day two on risperidone, I usually feel like I got a thick, wet sock over my head, but I don't feel like I got a thick, wet sock over my head pretty good.

吃利培酮[精神 药]的第二天 我常觉得 有一只又厚又潮的袜子罩在我头上 不过现在没有了 所以我感觉还算不错

5. Racing drivers can't see anything in the rains, especially if they are behind another car, with the big tires they have now that throw up so much spray that is like driving in thick, thick fog.

车手在雨中什么也看不见 尤其是跟在别的车后面时 硕大的轮胎卷起的层层水雾 给你的感觉就像在大雾中驾车

6. I'd be right in the thick of it with you.


7. We're in the thick and deep and all we have is each other.

我们在这深渊 只有彼此

8. I can't, I... the skin is too thick.

我做不到 我...它的皮肤太厚了

9. But it isn't too heavy. It is. It's too thick.

但是它那不是沉好么 就是 你看它多厚啊

10. That's what we're looking for when it goes very, very thick.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

