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音标: 英 [ə'dʒu:dɪkeɪtə(r)] 美 [ə'dʒu:dɪkeɪtə(r)]

n. 评判员
[法] 审判者, 判决者, 裁定者

n. a person who studies and settles conflicts and disputes


1. I have the tools to adjudicate any transgression.


2. Adjudicate the baby dependent and place him in foster care.

宣判把孩子 交给福利机构收养

3. We do what we can to save people, without adjudication, without prejudice.

我们竭尽全力救人 不审判 无偏见

4. Let the record show, this is the single dumbest case I've ever adjudicated.

在记录上记明 这是我裁决的最愚蠢的一起案子

5. Without a court to adjudicate the laws of this land, we are a broken government, sir.

没有可以正常依法审判的法院 我们就是一个不完整的政府 先生

6. If you lose, you'll be dead and your away team will be crushed by the adjudication geode.

如果你们输了 就会死 而你的远征队会被审判晶球碾碎

7. If such limbs be thusly inspired, then not any adjudication can forestall their lofty zeal, it is true.

假使熊熊 由此而生 那世人一切评判都无法阻拦他们万丈的热情 这我同意

8. The concerns you have raised are noted, but you know as well as I do that it's not a matter on which this court can adjudicate.

我明白你的担忧 但你我都知道 本庭无法对此案进行判决

9. Yeah, I'd like an impartial adjudicator on this, someone who lacks the mental capacity to skew the results.

那个 我想要一位中立的裁判加入 没那个智商去篡改结果的那种

10. An adjudication geode is a special type of constitutional crystal we use to legally oosh our criminals.

审判晶球是一种特殊的宪法水晶 我们用它来合法地压死罪犯们



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

