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音标: 英 ['feərɪ] 美 [ˈfɛrɪ]

n. 仙女, 精灵
a. 仙女的

n. a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers


1. Bridgie, I know since your mommy died that you've been going to fairy rings hoping to see her again, and we both know the town still gossips how often she'd go to the fairy rings, that she practiced fairy craft, and, because she wasn't careful, the changelings almost took her away.

布里 我知道自从 妈死后 你一直都在去妖精圈 希望能再见到她 我们都知道 城里仍有 你母亲常去妖精圈 练习妖精法术的流言 就因为她不够小心 差点被化身妖精给抓走

2. You have summoned a fairy? I have.

你召唤了一位仙灵吗 是的

3. There are no such things as fairies.


4. You know what's out there. It was the tooth fairy.

你不知道外面有什么 是牙仙

5. They spy on me, the fairy and the butler.

他们监视我 仙灵和那个男管家

6. Most people they don't have the fairy tale.

大部分人 他们没有童话般结局

7. Why? I thought that all fairies were good.

怎么 仙子不都是好的吗

8. It wasn't all fairy tale after that, that's for sure.


9. What was it they rescued you from, my princess of the fairy.

他们从哪里救了你 我的仙女公主

10. Do you have any fairy dust, too? I wish.

你也有精灵粉吗 我也想有



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

