中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈrɪdns] 美 [ˈrɪdn:s]

n. 摆脱, 除去, 驱逐

n the act of removing or getting rid of something
n the act of forcing out someone or something


1. If he ran off, who cares, good riddance.

如果他跑了 谁在乎呢 终于解脱了

2. You say goodbye, I say good riddance.

你说再见 我说谢天谢地

3. I thought you two broke up, and good riddance.

我以为你们已经分手了 大解脱啊

4. So he gets himself sent to the surface good riddance.

所以他害自己被送去地表 算是解脱了

5. She's gonna have you executed, missy, and good riddance.

她会把你处死的 小姐 那就解脱了

6. Well, good riddance. I always took him for a bully.

也好 我也觉得他爱欺负人

7. And good riddance. I can finally eat in peace.

这下好了 我终于可以安心吃饭了

8. You can leave come morning, and good riddance to you.

你可以明早离开这里 祝你解脱

9. Sorry, but good riddance to that drunken old goat.

抱歉 不过对那个老酒鬼是个好的解脱

10. Ah, slit his throat, I say, and good riddance.

割破他的喉咙 这种人死了最好



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

