中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [bi:mə] 美 [bi:mə]

n. 投影机, 整经机


1. I'm guessing a beamer, maybe a lexus.

我猜一定是好车 说不定是雷克萨斯

2. I saw them, and then there was a towrope of beamers cruising up there.

是我看到的 旁边还有 一组先发激光飞船在巡航

3. You know, even if they get that beamer running, it's gonna crash.

就算他们真能启动那个激光飞船 它也一定会坠毁

4. Or we don't, and I tell him we screwed four times last night in my beamer.

或者我们不去找乐子 然后我跟他说昨晚我们在我的宝马里做了四次

5. Disabled beamer fell into our lot when the power grid went down.


6. Maybe when you were incapacitated, there was some autopilot function that landed the beamer in the water or ejected you.

也许你不能行动的时候 自动驾驶仪将激光飞船 降落到了海里 或者将你弹射出来

7. I think you were hypothermic, hallucinating in that freezing beamer that was spinning into space, and that's how you're coming up with these visions.

我觉得你体温过低 在飞向太空的冻死人的激光飞船上 产生了幻觉 所以才会看到这些场景

8. A man I don't know comes onto my base and tells me ‭he flew a beamer to the moon.

一个我并不了解的人来了我的基地 告诉我他开着外星飞船上了月球

9. II'm just a soldier, so I could be wrong, but I'm finding it ‭very difficult to understand how it is that you flew a beamer to the moon and, as you said, lived to tell the tale.

我只是个当兵的 所以我也会出错 但我真的很难理解 你是怎么驾驶激光飞船飞到月球 然后安然无恙地给我们讲述这件事



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

