中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [skru:] 美 [skru]

n. 螺旋, 螺杆, 螺钉, 螺旋桨, 吝啬鬼
vt. 调节, 扭紧, 旋, 拧, 加强, 压榨, 勒索
vi. 转动, 旋, 拧

n. a simple machine of the inclined-plane type consisting of a spirally threaded cylindrical rod that engages with a similarly threaded hole
n. a propeller with several angled blades that rotates to push against water or air
n. a fastener with a tapered threaded shank and a slotted head
v. turn like a screw


1. I'm so sorry. I screwed up. I screwed up.

很抱歉 我搞砸了 是我搞砸了

2. Once you screw it up, you screw it up forever.

错过一次 就永远错过了

3. I'm not screwing with it. It's already screwed.

我不能搞砸了 已经搞砸了

4. I'm screwed up, I screw other people up.

我自己糟透了 也把别人搞砸

5. And you're screwing that up with him the way you screwed it up with me.

而你就像当初糊弄我一样 糊弄他

6. Like a screw, but not as fancy as a screw.

類似一顆螺釘 不過并沒有螺釘酷炫

7. He's screwing the maid, and she's screwing the butler.

他和女佣有一腿 她和管家有一腿

8. You're screwed up now, and you were screwed upback then.

现在你是个 之前你也是个

9. They screw you and they screw everyone you love.

它毁了你 也毁了所有你爱的人

10. They will screw you, tryin' to screw you.

他们会和你 试图和你



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

